I hear it all the time—parents, teachers, and therapists who want to make a bigger impact in special education, but feel stuck because they think IEP advocacy or becoming an advocate is just too hard. They see the challenges—learning the laws, building a business, finding clients—and it all feels overwhelming. But what if it wasn’t […]
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By: Catherine Kahl, M.Ed
Special needs sibling, masters in special education, certified high performance coach.
It's been almost 30 years since I sat at my first IEP meeting as a new teacher (spoiler alert, I didn't stay a classroom teacher for long). But, my first taste of the IEP rollercoaster was in the front row, at my brother's IEP meeting. I knew right then, the IEP process needed help, and I was all in.
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Join us in Tampa, October 12th-13th, 2024 for a small group mastermind of parents and teachers making a difference as Master IEP Coaches®. LEARN MORE
Let's gather (virtually or in person) and dig through IEPs together! Catherine has worked with school districts and parent support groups nationwide. LEARN MORE
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