
Time Management for Master IEP Coaches®

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Do you ever feel like your to-do list is running your life? Whether you’re a parent, teacher, admin, or therapist, you have so much on your plate. And if you’ve been thinking about becoming a Master IEP Coach® but feel overwhelmed, wondering how you’d fit it in—this is for you.

I just wrapped up a Master IEP Coach® co-working session where we tackled this exact issue. These amazing coaches are sitting at IEP tables, working with parents, hosting IEP workshops, and building special education strategy blogs to help as many parents and IEP team members as possible.

Just like you, they have long to-do lists. So, I guided them through four simple prompts to clear their lists, find more time, and create space for what truly matters. Now, I’m sharing them with you.

Ready? Grab your list—whether it’s in a planner, on sticky notes, or buried in your phone’s notes app—and let’s clean it up together.

1. What can you complete in 10 minutes or less that’s been sitting on your list for way too long?

This is the low-hanging fruit. That one thing that’s been hanging around, annoying you, taking up mental space—but would take less than 10 minutes to finish.

For one of our Master IEP Coaches, it was finally clicking “send” on an important email. Another needed to schedule a quick call. For you, maybe it’s returning an Amazon package, responding to a message, or organizing that junk drawer that won’t even close anymore.

Pick one. Do it right after you finish reading this. You’ll feel instant relief and start building momentum to tackle bigger tasks.

2. What’s keeping you stuck or making you overthink?

There’s something on your list that’s weighing you down because you don’t know the next step. That’s when you need to talk it out.

One of our Master IEP Coaches® was struggling with writing a newsletter. She wanted to send helpful IEP tips to parents but felt stuck on what to say. Another coach needed help refining her website message.

We worked through these roadblocks together, because sometimes, you just need someone to chat it out.

If you’re stuck, don’t stay stuck. Call a friend, message a mentor, or join our Master IEP Coach® community. The right conversation can turn a mental roadblock into a completed task.

3. What can you delegate?

Delegating is hard, but it’s necessary. You don’t have to do everything yourself.

For me, one of the best things I’ve delegated is grocery shopping. (Actually – I’ve delegated ALL my shopping!) Whether I order through Walmart, Whole Foods, or Amazon, I’ve decided that I don’t need to walk the aisles myself. And if they mess up my order? No big deal—I’ll get a refund and move on with my day.

Think about your own list. What’s something that you’ve always done yourself but don’t actually have to? Maybe it’s delegating your shopping for everything from socks to strawberries or finally hiring help to clean your house.

Hand something off and start creating space for what matters most to you.

4. What can you take off your list completely?

Here’s a tough one: What’s been on your list for weeks (or months) that you’re never going to do?

One of our Master IEP Coaches® admitted she had “organize fall and winter clothes” on her list… but guess what? Spring is almost here. Instead of feeling guilty, she just decided to push it to next season and move on.

There’s something on your list right now that’s just taking up space. Let it go. You have permission.

The Results

If you go through these four prompts, you’ll immediately feel the difference. You’ll release space in your schedule and in your mind. And when you do, you might just realize that becoming a Master IEP Coach® is possible for you.

You already have the experience to help other parents navigate the IEP process. And now, by scratching a few things off your list, you can finally take that next step.

If you’re ready to use your IEP experience to help families and create additional income, join us inside the Master IEP Coach® Mentorship.

I can’t wait to see you inside the Master IEP Coach® community!

Sneak Peek: See What Master IEP Coaches® Are Working On!

Curious what real Master IEP Coaches® are tackling in their businesses?

Here’s a sneak peek of the exact tasks they tacked during our co-working session:

  • Shannon: Sent 3 speaking proposals and created a plan to send 3 more.
  • Ashley: Updated her website to share how advocates collaboratively.
  • Kelly: Developed her plan to network online with parents by creating a free resource.
  • Michelle: Designed flyers to post in high-traffic areas where potential clients would go.
  • Jane: Brainstormed about her content to deliver in a free webinar to parents.
  • Rachel: Further developed her ideas of a free resource to give to parent groups.
  • Laura: Prepared a newsletter addressing 3 common questions from clients or potential clients.
  • Sandy: Dedicated time to researching more bilingual organizations.
  • Everyone: Identify tasks on their to-do lists that can be delegated.

This is so exciting —Master IEP Coaches® are getting things done and making an impact!

Find out how you can get started on your Master IEP Coach® to-do list, too!

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Special needs sibling, masters in special education, certified high performance coach.

Hi, I'm Catherine.
Fixing IEPs is my thing.

It's been almost 30 years since I sat at my first IEP meeting as a new teacher (spoiler alert, I didn't stay a classroom teacher for long). But, my first taste of the IEP rollercoaster was in the front row, at my brother's IEP meeting. I knew right then, the IEP process needed help, and I was all in.

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